Partnerships from Botswana

September 28, 2023

Partnerships are essential to our mission to make theological training accessible to all. Recently God orchestrated a wonderful partnership to bring WHMI trained pastors from the Botswana Baptist Seminary to a Bible Institute location in Namibia. This partnership offered the students in Namibia the opportunity to complete their coursework after having been significantly delayed during COVID.

This team of pastors from the Seminary had planned to take an evangelism trip to Rundu, Namibia, not knowing about the WHMI Bible Institute location already there. God clearly knew that Rundu needed their final course and they were a team of recently approved instructors. 

The Lord brought them together in April to complete their coursework and prepare for graduation this summer!!! And now, they are all working together to minister in each of their churches and bring the gospel to other churches and communities! To God be the Glory!

God can use you to be a catalyst in this global movement.

WHMI by the Numbers

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WHMI by the Numbers


Current WHMI Bible Institute Engaged Students as of March 31, 2024

WHMI by the Numbers


Current Cumulative Total of WHMI Bible Institute Graduates as of march 31, 2024

WHMI by the Numbers


Current Active Locations of the WHMI Bible Institute as of March 31, 2024

WHMI by the Numbers


Current Working Nations with WHMI Bible Institute Locations as of March 31, 2024

WHMI by the Numbers


Courses Taught as of March 31, 2024

Testimonies from locations around the world

"WOW! Seeing 60 people, more than 20 pastors wanting to know more of the gospel was amazing. God is working in Venezuela even when it is a hard place right now."