Most Christians around the world do not have trained spiritual leaders.

Globally, 85% of pastors lack theological training. The lack of trained leaders is a global crisis. Most Christians today are vulnerable to false teaching and manipulation with no shepherds to lead them into an abundant life in Jesus Christ.

An open bible sitting on a table in front of a group of people.
A group of people sitting in chairs.

WHMI is working to change that...

Through our Bible Institute, we are catalyzing a global movement. WHMI is empowering thousands of pastors and church leaders around the world with essential theological training, using a New Testament model found in 2 Timothy 2:2. This training gives leaders the tools they need to shepherd God's people and train other leaders. sowing sustainable leadership

WHMI is confronting the greatest obstacle to meeting the challenge: the lack of access to training. When indigenous leaders are trained, they can be coached and mentored to train others. This is a game changer capable of providing enormous capacity to address the global problem. We have witnessed first-hand that trained pastors lead healthy churches and healthy churches can transform entire communities with the power of the gospel.

A group of people signing papers in a church.

"Teaching them whatever I have commanded you" are among Jesus' last words (Matthew 28:20). Most of the world's pastors (85%) cannot teach others because they have never been taught. WHMI is working to change that.

WHMI is a community of committed Christians focused on raising up those who are able to obey Jesus' command to teach "all I have commanded." We are working to make theological training accessible to every pastor and ministry leader in the world.

WHMI is a global family.  You can read our stories and see photos and videos of our family in action.

WHMI by the Numbers

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WHMI by the Numbers


Current WHMI Bible Institute Engaged Students as of june 30th, 2024

WHMI by the Numbers


Current Cumulative Total of WHMI Bible Institute Graduates as of june 30, 2024

WHMI by the Numbers


Current Active Locations of the WHMI Bible Institute as of june 30, 2024

WHMI by the Numbers


Current Working Nations with WHMI Bible Institute Locations as of june 30, 2024

WHMI by the Numbers


Courses Taught as of june 30, 2024

Testimonies from locations around the world

“The churches will be healthy in that they will teach from the Word resulting in community transformation.”
God can use you to be a catalyst in this global movement.