Curriculum Editorial Board
It is the mission of the WHMI Bible Institute Curriculum Editorial Board to deculturalize, ensure theological soundness, and improve the effectiveness of our course materials.

Steve Bezner (PhD)
Senior Pastor, Houston Northwest Church, Houston, TX
Casey Hough, (PhD)
Director of Curriculum and Partnerships & Director of Europe, World Hope Ministries International Assistant Professor of Biblical Interpretation, Luther Rice College and Seminary
Mark Howell (PhD)
Executive Director, E2, Plano, TX
Chuck Lawless (PhD)
Professor of Evangelism and Missions, Dean of Doctoral Studies, Vice President for Spiritual Formation and Ministry Centers, Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary
Robby Magee (DMiss, PhD-ABD)
Senior Pastor, Trinity Baptist Church, Farmersville, TX
Ben Phillips (PhD)
Dean and Associate Professor of Christian Studies College of Christian Studies Charleston Southern University
Stephen Presley (PhD)
Associate Professor of Church History Director of Research Doctoral Studies The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary
Billy Ross (DMin)
Vice President, World Hope Ministries International Director of World Hope Bible Institute
Stuart Sheehan (PhD)
President & CEO, World Hope Ministries International
Stephen Veteto (PhD)
Director, Rocky Mountain Campus, Professor, New Testament Studies Gateway Seminary
Noel R. Vincent, M.A. Christian Apologetics
Provost, WHMI Bible Institute