New Locations All Around the World

September 27, 2023

We received an amazing report from our Associate Director of Latin America, Dustin Meyers. 

“Today is quite a day. Our Regional Coordinator, Mark, is opening a new location in Juazeiro do Norte, Brazil with 65 students and 2 new Instructors. And today I am opening a location in Columbia with 55 students. A new U.S. Instructor joined me and is teaching Hermeneutics. So today WHMI grew by 120 students, 3 teachers, 2 locations, and one country.” All Glory to God! Please pray for #WHMILatinAmerica

God can use you to be a catalyst in this global movement.

WHMI by the Numbers

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WHMI by the Numbers


Current WHMI Bible Institute Engaged Students as of March 31, 2024

WHMI by the Numbers


Current Cumulative Total of WHMI Bible Institute Graduates as of march 31, 2024

WHMI by the Numbers


Current Active Locations of the WHMI Bible Institute as of March 31, 2024

WHMI by the Numbers


Current Working Nations with WHMI Bible Institute Locations as of March 31, 2024

WHMI by the Numbers


Courses Taught as of March 31, 2024

Testimonies from locations around the world

"It will help break denominational barriers and help unite the body of Christ where we are."