Current Growth Plan

After almost 10 years of development and field testing, WHMI was poised for significant expansion. Then, a pandemic. What we learned was that our vision was too small. God used 2020 and 2021 to help us reimagine what God could do if we trusted the plan for theological education that Paul gave us in 2 Timothy 2:2. Our Accelerated Growth Initiative (AGI) charts a plan for expansion through 2026.

A man in a graduation cap and gown is waving his hand.

Learning from a Pandemic

In 2019, Covid-19 spread across the globe. After ensuring the well-being of our partners, we began to assess what could be done to continue WHMI’s work. In 2021, WHMI pivoted, focusing on how more nationals could be resourced and empowered to expand the work. The results were amazing. While U.S. instructors could not travel from April 1, 2020, through 2021, courses were taught, new locations opened, and graduations held. The number of courses delivered in 2021 during the pandemic even exceeded the number delivered in 2019, before the pandemic. Furthermore, total student numbers reached a historic high. While some of this was accomplished via technology, the largest segment of classes (70%) was taught by nationals we had previously trained. The model of using 2 Timothy 2:2 (train others who will train others) was tested in a high-pressure environment. The model not only worked, it outperformed our expectations.


of new students were taught by nationals we had previously trained.
A group of people signing papers at a table.

Applying What We Learned

The pandemic accelerated our dependence on nationals to do the work; in doing so, it bolstered our confidence that increasing their stake in the work is the best approach. In 2021, WHMI Staff and Board members worked to adopt the AGI. The increasing involvement of nationals presents an opportunity to address the massive global need for theological education.

This plan charts a path to:

active students
nations by the end of 2026

A year-end summary, including actual costs and KPIs is produced in January. This Annual Report provides comparative data on projections vs. actuals. You can request a copy of the entire WHMI AGI via our Contact Form.

Current Nations 2024

planned growth by 2026

God can use you to be a catalyst in this global movement.

WHMI by the Numbers

Arrow pointing to the left
Arrow pointing to the right

WHMI by the Numbers


Current WHMI Bible Institute Engaged Students as of March 31, 2024

WHMI by the Numbers


Current Cumulative Total of WHMI Bible Institute Graduates as of march 31, 2024

WHMI by the Numbers


Current Active Locations of the WHMI Bible Institute as of March 31, 2024

WHMI by the Numbers


Current Working Nations with WHMI Bible Institute Locations as of March 31, 2024

WHMI by the Numbers


Courses Taught as of March 31, 2024

Testimonies from locations around the world

“The churches will be healthy in that they will teach from the Word resulting in community transformation.”